Dil Seçiniz

About Us

About Us



Our company, which was founded in 1984 by Omer Faruk Arikan in Kahramanmas and started production with the yarn business in 1987, has continued its activities as one of the enterprises with the largest capacity in the sector for many years. For years, it has been among one of Turkey’s Top 500 in the ranking organized by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry every year. By completing its horizontal and vertical integration in the field of textile, it has become a manufacturer that supplies raw materials to the Ready-to-Wear Sector and sells fabrics to important brands abroad.

Our first yarn business was founded by our founder Omer Faruk Arikan, having great contributions to the economy and industry of Kahramanmaras, leading many issues in our city in these matters, an entrepreneur-spirited member of the ARIKAN family, one of the oldest families of our city, after the first yarn business started its operations in 1987, the investments continued without any interruption. Second yarn business, third yarn business and knitting business investments have been completed. After the sudden death of Omer Faruk Arikan in 1994, his sons Mehmet Arikan and Alisan Arikan took over the flag. The fourth yarn factory, the fifth yarn factory and the Folding-Twisting facilities were completed until 1997.

Our company, which from the day it was founded until 1997 growing rapidly in yarn production, which has increased its capacity and expanded its sales network, has become one of the biggest suppliers of our country with a daily production of 100 tons of yarn in a closed area of 60.000 .

Our company, which completed its corporate structuring despite being a family company, became the only company of our city, whose shares are traded in the national market, by offering 15% of its shares to the public in 1998. In the same year, our company, which acquired Sümerbank Kahramanmaraş Pamuklu Sanayii İşletmeleri A.Ş. within the scope of privatization, added to its assets, started its production activities in the field of Weaving and Dye Finishing.


Our company named Arsan Dokuma Boya Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ, which was established in 1997 with the participation of our company in order to create a different structure in the production of woven fabric, completed its investments in 1998 and started production. This subsidiary still continues its activities with the production of Raw and Dyed Woven Fabrics, Raw and Dyed Knit Fabrics, and Dyed Yarn. Our company, which produces the electrical energy it needs with the Cogeneration facility it has established, using natural gas without polluting the environment, was awarded by the Ministry in 2014 in terms of energy efficiency.

As a result of our management approach that adopts continuous growth and sustainable stability, it has formed a structure that includes different sectors by participating in companies operating in Tourism, Construction and Finance, especially Energy. As a result of our culture of responsibility towards people and society, School, Health Center, Condolence House and Masjids were built and donated to the relevant institutions. With this understanding, our group, which is a big family, will continue to contribute to the economy of the city and country with new investments, projects and targets.