Dil Seçiniz



Arsan Textile


R&D Center Strategies

*Developing energy-saving environmentally friendly technologies,
*Developing environmentally friendly technologies and processes that save water,
*Developing processes and technologies that reduce chemical use,
* Being the executive of a sustainable system,
* To increase quality, added value and productivity,
* Transforming research-based technological knowledge and experience into economic benefits,
* Carrying out joint studies with national and international universities and research institutions,
*Developing innovative products with high commercialization potential that will accelerate R&D studies,
* Increasing the number of patents and registered trademarks
* Increasing the number of graduate and doctorate students
*Increasing the ratio of R&D expenditures in total turnover
*Development of products that will provide national and international competitive advantage,
*To carry out product development studies that will enable the development of competitive structure.


Arsan Arge


R&D Center Strategies

*Developing energy-saving environmentally friendly technologies,
*Developing environmentally friendly technologies and processes that save water,
*Developing processes and technologies that reduce chemical use,
* Being the executive of a sustainable system,
* To increase quality, added value and productivity,
* Transforming research-based technological knowledge and experience into economic benefits,
* Carrying out joint studies with national and international universities and research institutions,
*Developing innovative products with high commercialization potential that will accelerate R&D studies,
* Increasing the number of patents and registered trademarks
* Increasing the number of graduate and doctorate students
*Increasing the ratio of R&D expenditures in total turnover
*Development of products that will provide national and international competitive advantage,
*To carry out product development studies that will enable the development of competitive structure.