Dil Seçiniz

The message of the president

The message of the president

President's Message

Founded by Ömer Faruk Arıkan in 1984 as a member of a family that pioneered in industry and trade, ARSAN supplies raw materials to the textile and ready-to-wear sector, with its productions in yarn, knitted fabric, woven fabric, dyed yarn, fabric dye and finishing facilities. and completed its vertical integration. With its years of experience and participation in other sectors, it continues on its way with a full team spirit in the fields of Energy, Tourism and Finance, with sound and sustainable policies, with the excitement and belief of the first day.

As ARSAN Group, we continue to work tirelessly in line with our new goals and targets, from production to sales with solid, consistent and sustainable approaches, to fulfill the requirements of modern business with the new world rules, even in the information age of our story that started in 1984.

On the one hand, our company, which is an important raw material supplier as a result of full integration in its sector, on the other hand, has increased the active value of our group with its subsidiaries in various sectors. Behind these activities lies a great effort, dedication and team spirit. We have no concerns that this spirit will last for many years.

Customer satisfaction is at the top of our company policy. Our understanding of everything is for human beings will continue in the future as it is today. Our contribution to the economic and social values ​​of our city and our country is a source of pride for us. Our determination on this issue will never change.

I would like to thank all our stakeholders and employees who have walked with us and supported us on this road we have started. We have no doubt that the same determination and cooperation will continue in our future activities.

Kind regards,

Alishan ARIKAN
Chairman of the Board